As early childhood educators, we believe in supporting young children’s development through learning philosophies that nurture and cultivate their discovery journey.
With our commitment to the early years, Little Footprints Preschool’s childcare curriculum is tailored to actively engage toddlers with theme-based learning activities, exposing them to experiential learning. Along with structured activities, children gain knowledge through experiences, as they naturally interact with their peers through observation, communication and pick up life skills.
If you are deciding and comparing the differences between childcare and preschool, determine what your family needs before enrolling your child.
Here’s a schedule of how a typical day at Little Footprints Preschool looks like for toddlers enrolled in the childcare programme:
Morning activities at childcare

During drop-offs at childcare, it’s normal for children to experience some separation anxiety. Hence, morning activities are often planned to support their social-emotional development as young children need appropriate support and guidance to help them regulate in a different environment. Likewise, learning is optimal in the morning when the brain is a clean slate; thus, activities for toddlers in childcare include stirring creativity with circle time, story reading and sensory play. Through various exploratory activities, young inquisitive minds are able to enhance their language skills, activate their creativity and learn through social interaction.
Mid-day routine at childcare
Routines are important for young children as they create a predictable, organised environment. When structure is integrated into a social space like preschool, children self-regulate better, feel safer thus, allowing them to thrive and learn. For a typical mid-day routine at Little Footprints Preschool, timely lunchtimes and nap times are lined up to instill healthy lifestyle habits. Nutritious meals are prepared according to ECDA’s standards, so children consume a variety of nutrients that their growing body needs. Following a wipe down after lunch, children unwind with an afternoon nap and quiet individual time after a morning of stimulation.
Afternoon activities for toddlers in childcare

After a 2-hour power nap and a snack break, little ones are ready to get moving! Some of the planned afternoon activities for toddlers in childcare are focused on physical development, creative expression, and critical thinking. Preschoolers learn through various types of play, so outdoor play is a good way to sharpen gross motor skills with a healthy dose of Vitamin D and fresh air. Children get to partake in creative work such as art and crafts which builds their fine motor skills and dexterity, as well as exploration activities to promote imagination and pique their problem-solving and cognitive skills too.
Little Footprints Preschool’s specialised programmes
Designed as an extension to our core programmes, the specialised programmes are extended to complement our holistic learning approach. Here’s a line-up of some of them:
Reader to Leader – a sub programme under Librarian’s Code
To nurture healthy reading habits and reading confidence, Reader to Leader aims to support children’s literacy growth as they progress from simple sentences to complex story plots. Preschoolers get to retell or relate their own stories and take on the storyteller’s role in a dynamic manner to enhance cognitive development.
Vitamin C – a social and emotional module
Developed to support a child’s self-esteem, civic-mindedness and the ability for self-control, this specialised programme is extended through a series of fun engaging activities to inculcate positive values and traits.
Embracing parental and educator engagement and communication
While shortlisting the best childcare in Singapore for your child, understand that parental involvement makes a difference. With our shared goal of nurturing children during their crucial early years, it is important to embrace a strong partnership with parents. One of the ways for open communication to flow between educators and parents is through our app, where daily updates on activities and developmental progress are shared.
Parents can take on an active involvement through our home-school partnership activities, reinforcing children’s learning at home:
Bond ‘thru’ Reading - a sub programme under Librarian’s Code

Children benefit from reading so this home-school partnership activity encourages families to read with their children at home. Kids are encouraged to borrow books home, allowing them to strengthen their reading comprehension development. At childcare, they get to roleplay as librarians and are exposed to learning how to take turns and practice patience as they help facilitate borrowing. After reading, preschoolers journal their thoughts, allowing them to boost their logical thinking skills and writing skills.
Tick Tock, It’s Time to Talk (Conducted in English and Chinese)
This parent-and-child activity involves kids in preparing for show and tell in both languages, paving the way to raising bilingual kids in Singapore. Working with a theme, children’s oracy and public speaking skills are enhanced, as they learn to express themselves through speech in front of an audience. Building their confidence from young helps pave the way for their experience to grow from their early years.
Learn about Little Footprints Preschool’s holistic approach to toddler development
With our carefully planned preschool curriculum, we aim to nurture well-rounded, confident children. Through structured activities planned for our toddlers in childcare, we take on a holistic approach to support their developmental milestones across social, emotional, and physical skills.
Visit your nearest Little Footprints Preschool Childcare Centre for firsthand experience on how our childcare programme supports your child’s growth and learning.
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